February 9

The Latest Commercial Voiceover Trends in Marketing


Voiceovers have become integral to video advertising and tech communities for years.

A recent study found that 30% of brands are looking for voice actors and hiring one per week.

There is commercial voiceover work, animated videos, and much more, but are these trends in or phasing out?

Don’t worry!

We’ve investigated everything you need to know about voiceover trends. That way, you can find jobs that suit your interests and qualifications.

Now, are you ready to get started?

Here’s an in-depth review of voice acting trends:

Commercial Voiceover Work

People tend to think that commercials are dying, especially with how many ads have been erased from streaming platforms. However, the commercial sector is alive and kicking, just in a different way than it started.

Reklamy lektorskie bukmacherów i kasyn online wymagają określonego rodzaju aktora głosowego, który potrafi uchwycić emocje, urok i wyrafinowanie nieodłącznie związane ze światem zakładów. Odpowiedni aktor głosowy może zrobić różnicę, przekazując dreszczyk emocji związany z obstawianiem zakładu i oczekiwanie na potencjalną wygraną. Co więcej, ton, tempo i sposób mówienia aktora głosowego są niezbędne do uchwycenia istoty kasyn online. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to wyrafinowana klasyczna gra kasynowa, czy szybkie emocje związane z obstawianiem zakładów na żywo w 22Bet PL, odpowiedni głos może stworzyć nastrój i poprawić ogólne wrażenia użytkownika. Aktorzy głosowi specjalizujący się w tej niszy rozumieją niuanse branży bukmacherskiej i wiedzą, jak ożywić te kampanie. Mogą wywoływać przypływ adrenaliny związany z zakładami o wysokie stawki lub ekscytację odkrywaniem nowych możliwości obstawiania, sprawiając, że publiczność chętnie wchodzi w interakcję z reklamowanymi platformami.

Brands these days often start their video marketing campaigns on social media.

So, the ads are likely to be shorter and consist of unique branding content their target audience will love.

For example, a company might advertise the launch of its new collection on TikTok or Instagram rather than a traditional TV commercial.

These commercial voiceover jobs are often hard to get, but it can be extremely rewarding if you get the chance.

You’ll want the tone of your voice to match the brand’s style and target audience.

Try to sound upbeat and casual while having a light sound to your voice.

E-learning and Training Content

Since the pandemic, there’s been a dramatic shift toward e-learning. After all, e-learning allows kids to access educational resources outside the classroom.

Studies show that students are more engaged with the audio and visual content, resulting in better retention.

Thus, e-learning voiceovers are in high demand. Whether it be narrating a textbook, providing voice-led steps, or audio-filled questions, there’s much to be done.

In fact, many educational intuitions are looking for voice actors to make their resources interactive, diverse, and accommodating for all.

Training content is also in demand. Companies want to streamline their training process, and what better way to do so than with a voiceover video or presentation?

It allows the content to be specialized but still appeal to mass amounts of people. Training content can include narrating policies and requirements, audio-led steps, and audio questions and example responses.

You’ll want your narration to be professional and straightforward for this type of work.

Some e-learning work may require you to perform in certain tones or cartoon voice styles.

However, most of the content you’ll create will require your voice to be easy to understand and monotone.

Interactive Videos

Interactive videos are where the user can interact and change a video’s narrative or final outcome with personalized choices.

Video games, educational modules, and video simulations are all examples of interactive videos.

These videos often need a voiceover for the player to understand what to do and how to proceed.

For instance, you’ll be instructed to say a line about how to click on the menu tab or exit a screen.

For this type of work, you’ll either need to use an animated and cartoonish voice style or be monotone and clear; it just depends on the work.

However, since these videos often have multiple prompts, you’ll likely have a lot of work to do. It may be hard to find work for these videos, but when you do, you’ll find it’s fun and rewarding.


Audiobooks have been a popular way to consume written media for ten years, and sales haven’t dropped yet.

It’s safe to say audiobooks won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, so why not put your hat in the ring for a voice acting gig?

Many educational resources need voice actors to narrate or act out a scene in a book or play. You can even voice act for smaller authors, that way; their works can spread to a larger audience.

To do audiobooks, you need to have an animated voice with a calming undertone. People like to listen to sounds that are soothing, so try to make your voice sound crisp but light.

Blog and Article Narrating

The growth of auto books has led to the creation of blog and article narration.

Sites have seen an improvement in total viewership and an increase in overall page time when there’s a narration of the article available. It makes the content easier to consume and provides an outlet for additional work.

Blogs and popular news sites have recently been on the hunt for qualified and reliable voice actors and actresses.

For this work, you’ll provide a narration of the written content as well as a summary of their points.

That way, users can listen to the main points of the article as well as the entire article if they choose.

Your voice needs to sound professional but animated enough to catch people’s attention.

The topics will range from lifestyle content to breaking news segments, so if you can adapt your voice to the changing topics, this trend is definitely for you.

Do a Commercial Voiceover Today

Voiceover work has become a popular and rising industry.

Voice acting is needed in education and training videos, interactive videos, audiobooks, and blog and article narration.

There is still a need for commercial voiceover work, too, in social media ads and branded content.

These jobs are not only trendy but will grow and evolve with time.

So if you want to jump into the voiceover industry, there’s no better time than the present.

Contact us today for more information about voiceovers, and we will help you get started!


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